Welcome to Josephine's Blog

Hi!, My name is Josephine, you can call me Epin I'm grade 3 Sekolah Pelita Harapan. Just started to make my own blog, so be pation with me, Im still learning. I promise very soon this blog will be better. Regards Josephine Lumbantoruan

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Monday, April 30, 2007

What is MUD?

Mud is a liquid or semi-liquid mixture of water and some combination of soil, silt, and clay. Mud is good for planting rice but, only some of them.

The muds are also good for some animals to do with it, to make a home, and these animals are worms, frogs, snails, clams and crayfish but, animals such as pig, elephants and buffalo usually take bath there to make them cool from the sun.

The other purpose of muds are also can be a mixture of cement, water and sand to be used in the construction industry. Other industry is using mud for making ceramics, by firing a special clay or placed in an oven, to be hardened.





1 comment:

Jane in Java said...

YOur score is 9/10. Excellent!